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L I F E [ bio | curriculum vitae ] W O R K [ consulting services ] B U I L D [ current projects ] M A K E [ personal artwork ] C R A F T [ design + imaging work ] S H A R E [ activities | advisory work ] T H I N K [ classes | workshops | symposia ] S P E A K [ interviews ] V O I C E [ commentary ] M E M E [ insights | ruminations ] L I N K [ random connections ] ::::::::::: H O O D [ second saturday artwalk ] [ old bank district artwalk ] C R I B [ studios new mexico ] [ sanctuary studios ] [ royal mastodon society ] [ studio 808 ] R O A D [ places | spaces | traces ] T R I B E [ friends + family ] S P A C E [ special projects in arts, culture & education ] [ cultural plan, city of las vegas ] [ downtown action plan, city of las vegas ] C U L T [ myth | culture | tales ] |
THINK: Classes | Workshops | Symposia C U R R E N T C L A S S E S POWERFUL DESIGN: CLICK HERE to preview the Powerful Design class syllabus. THE CREATIVE PROCESS: CLICK HERE to enroll in Roy's online course: The Creative Process. FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGN CLICK HERE to enroll in Roy's online course: Fundamentals of Design R E C E N T C L A S S E S CREATIVE THINKING: Guest Presenter: PRODUCTION | UCLA Extension Guest Presenters and Field Trips Copyright © 2012, The Montibon Company, LLC / Roy Montibon. All rights reserved. |