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SHARE: Activties | Advisory Work U P C O M I N G A C T I V I T I E S Royal Mastodon Society | Graffiti Writers Exhibition Artists and Reception Date TBA Royal Mastodon Society. R E C E N T A C T I V I T I E S Royal Mastadon Society | Rita-T: Abstract Paintings Artist Reception: February 14, 2008 Continues through March Royal Mastodon Society. Royal Mastadon Society | Roy Montibon: Talk Where do Artists Get Their Inspiration? January 10th, 2008 Royal Mastodon Society. Presentation to the New Mexico Arts Commission This was a presentation on accomplishments in our first year as an Arts & Cultural District. Chair, Janice Spence; Vice-Chair, Herb Denish; and Stuart Ashman, Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs were present, along with the full slate of commissioners. I was sick as a dog, but the presentation went well... The New Mexico Arts Commission. Royal Mastodon Society | Artist Holiday Show Artwork by North New Town Artists. November 28 - January 7, 2008 Royal Mastodon Society. Royal Mastadon Society | First Show Alexia Montibon: Paintings. November 8, 2008 Royal Mastodon Society. Royal Mastadon Society | Nat Gold Players Over the Edge. Performed as a part of Heritage Week. July 30, 31, and August 1, and 2, 2008 Royal Mastadon Society | Art in the Window: A Light Preview Coinciding with the Rough Rider Motorcycle Rally. July 25, 26 and 27, 2008 Royal Mastodon Society. Sanctuary Studios | June, July, August Rita-T: Recent Work. Sanctuary Studios. Second Saturdays Artwalk | Las Vegas Our town's first ever monthly artwalk. Held in conjunction with the Las Vegas Studio Tour (hosted by the LVAC). June 14-15, 2008 Second Saturdays Artwalk. Reception for New Mexico Arts & Culture District Resource Team Held at Sanctuary Studios. April 10, 2008 Sanctuary Studios. Closed on the Winternitz Building (former CCHP headquarters, circa 1890) Future home of The Royal Mastodon Society. March 27, 2008 Royal Mastodon Society. Fundraiser for City Council candidate Andy Feldman Held at Sanctuary Studios. February 3, 2008 Sanctuary Studios. SPACE | LAS VEGAS Led MSLV Drafting Committee to create the Strategic Plan for an Arts & Culture Environment. September 2007 through December 2007 Download the SPACE PDF. Live/Work Studio: Adaptive Reuse Project Home of Sanctuary Studios and Gallery. Spring 2007 through Spring 2008 Wedding Celebration: Alexia and Gunnar Wedding conducted by Geza-X in Loft 808. April 7, 2006. Installation: 411 Main, Display Windows Art installation in four street level windows facing Main Street. December 2005 through February, 2006. 5th Annual 8th Floor Holiday Party The 8th floor of the San Fernando building hosts it's famous holiday shindig. Saturday, December 10th, 2005. Details, maps and directions. Urban Land Institute: Downtown Tour / Loft Presentation Loft 808 hosts a visit by 50 members of the Urban Land Institute from across the country. Q&A by Tom Gilmore of Gilmore Associates and Roy Montibon. Tour conducted by Hal Bastian, VP & Director of Economic Development, Downtown Center Business Improvement District. Details about the Urban Land Institute. Farmer's and Merchant's Bank Centennial Art Exhibit Group show in the Bank with Rachelle Rojany, Richard Ankrum, Miguel Osuna, Fumiko Amano, Beth Herzhaft and Cindy Keefer. 4th Annual Old Bank District Artwalk: Open Lofts, Galleries & Live Music Sunday, October 2, 2005, 12 pm - 5 pm; The most successful Artwalk so far, featuring 100 over artists, musicians and local businesses. Updates and details about the OBD ARTWALK. A Summer Evening in the City A special Loft 808 event featuring a live performance by Esperanza, with Drew Schnurr on piano. Saturday, July 23rd, 2005. Information about the Loft 808 Event. More information about ESPERANZA More information about DREW SCHNURR. Voice Lessons by ESPERANZA. The Disappearing Heart / Music Video for ALSO Horror writer John Skip comes to town to work on The Disappearing Heart project for the band Also. Crazy energy pervades Downtown LA as the masks go on and the baloons fly... February, 2005. See the ALSO video (click on The Disappearing Heart link). Sante Fe Road Trip Roy and Julie drag Roy's mom and his sister Alexia (both artists) on a desert road trip to Sante Fe to take new photographs, check out the galleries and museums, and meet with some of Roy's friends and colleagues: photographer Paul Schroder and his wife Jeannie (bass player for the band Devotchka); children's book illustrator Rex Barron; and music historian/record collector Mike Stelk and his wife Jennifer. January, December 26th, 2004 - January 1, 2005 More information on DEVOTCHKA. More information on the books by REX BARRON. 4th Annual 8th Floor Holiday Party The entire 8th floor of the San Fernando building hosts it's famous holiday shindig. This year's theme is the party with no theme... Saturday, December 11th, 2004 LA Freewaves Festival of Film, Video and New Media: "How Can You Resist?" 4 Downtown Venues on 4 Weekends featuring work from 5 Continents November 5th - 27th, 2004 More information on the LA FREEWAVES FESTIVAL. 3rd Annual Old Bank District Artwalk '04 / Producer and Creative Director Open studios, live music, performances, food and festivities in the Old Bank District Sunday, September 26, 2004 More information on the OLD BANK DISTRICT ARTWALK. Midpoint Music Festival / Judge Cincinatti's annual music festival featuring over 250 artists from the U.S. and abroad. September 22 - 27, 2004 More information on the MIDPOINT MUSIC FESTIVAL. Graduation Keynote Speaker UCLA Extension, Computer Graphics and Graphic Design Department Friday, June 25th, 2004 More information on UCLA EXTENSION. ArtsDay LA / Speaker Presenting, "Where Do Artists Get Their Inspiration?" at ArtsDay LA, hosted by UCLA Extension Saturday, May 22nd, 2004 More information on ARTS DAY LA. American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA LA) / Studio Tour Host A tour of creative studios in the Old Bank District for the UCLA Student Chapter of the AIGA Saturday, April 24th, 2004 More information on the AIGA STUDIO TOUR. C U R R E N T B O A R D S & A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E S Chair: Arts & Cultural District | Las Vegas, Steering Committee MainStreet Las Vegas / Board of Directors A local program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation More information on MainStreet Las Vegas. F O R M E R B O A R D S & A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E S LA Freewaves / Board of Directors LA-based arts organization that stages the largest international media arts biennial in the U.S. More information on LA FREEWAVES. Community Redevelopment Agency / Project Area Committee Former Elected Member: Downtown Center PAC Revitalizing neighborhoods through historic preservation and new development. More information on the CRA PAC. UCLA Extension / Computer Graphics & Graphic Design Advisory Committee Program review, new course offerings. More information on UCLA EXTENSION. Historic Core Neighborhood Block Grant/Targeted Neighborhood Initiative Landscape Architect Review Panel Guiding the use of Federal funds to mitigate blight in the Historic Core. Copyright © 2012, The Montibon Company, LLC / Roy Montibon. All rights reserved. |