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BUILD: Roy Montibon | Current Projects ![]() Roy is currently the founder of SPACE: Special Projects in Arts, Culture and Education in Las Vegas, New Mexico. SPACE is an independent community arts network. Many SPACE projects are educational in nature, and involve the three local colleges, two school districts, plus local arts educators and professionals. Many SPACE initiatives are designed to identify and nurture talent, facilitate arts events and programs and provide mentorship to emerging artists of all types. As the former Chair of the Steering Committee for New Mexico Arts & Cultural District | Las Vegas, Roy initiated the development of the monthly Second Saturdy Artwalk and the interactive ACD | LV website with Arts and Culture District Coordinator Adam Caldwell. The Arts and Culture District Steering Committee consisted of a group of more than 25 members and another dozen advisors, most of whom are now involved in SPACE. Roy and Julie are in the midst of renovating a red brick church (built in 1918) into live/work art space called Sanctuary Studios. They are also renovating a historic stone building (circa 1890) -- the current home of the Citizen's Committee for Historic Preservation -- into two galleries. Half of the building has been leased to an existing gallery, which is expanding. The other half houses a new gallery and design showroom, Royal Mastadon Society. Roy is also working with a very select group of artists, photographers and designers to launch a multi-faceted, global marketplace for fine art, photography and graphic design online. All of the work featured will be exclusive to the new venture. This new marketplace is sub-divided into discreet, uniquely branded segments, each segment targeted toward either underground or mainstream audiences. On the educational front, Roy is currently rotating through three different courses he is teaching through UCLA Extension Online. His book is still in process. Copyright © 2012, The Montibon Company, LLC / Roy Montibon. All rights reserved. |