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POWERFUL DESIGN: SYLLABUS roy@montibon.com The Montibon Company, LLC www.montibon.com Sanctuary Studios www.sanctuary-studios.com Royal Mastodon Society, LLC royal-mastodon-society.com Art 4 units 11 Weeks Total Enrollment limited. Course notes for each week will be uploaded on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm, Pacific Time. NOTE: The instructor will be online between 7:00pm and 10:00pm, PT, Thursday evenings, available to answer questions and comment on your projects and postings in the Disucssion Forums. Although class materials may be accessed, and postings uploaded, at your convenience, 24/7, students are encouraged to log in during this time period to gain the benefit of real-time interaction with the instructor and fellow students. ..................... Artists of all types are engaged in the quest for seamless mind-to-mind and heart-to-heart connectivity with their audience. How does one go about creating work that effectively conveys what one actually intends to express: joy, sadness, longing, humor, inspiration, outrage and/or "just the facts"? All attempts at communication are indirect, and the outcome is uncertain. Subject to the personal histories, cultural backgrounds and even the emotional state of recipients at the moment of receiving, the impact and effectiveness of one's work is difficult to predict and control. As the volume of created work grows exponentially, it is crucial that your vision is experienced as powerful and meaningful. Every created work - music, film, photography, painting, literature, design or architecture -- is really a living context for conveying a set of experiences. This course details a process for evaluating how you can effectively communicate what you intend to your audience -- and then developing the right contexts to accomplish that. We ask these questions: What is to be conveyed? To whom? Why? To what extent do they care? What is my relationship with the recipient? What do I want the recipient to leave with? Only then do we ask: What is the ideal form for this work? What is the best medium to carry this form? What tools/resources should be used to craft this work? Lastly, since all communication involves context design, we ask, what variables can I modulate within: the context of the piece itself; its viewing context; and the layers of surrounding social/cultural contexts? A clear vision, objectives and strategies (Creative Direction) provides the foundation for structural integrity (Architecture), tactical decisions (Art Direction, Content Development) and interactive ingenuity (Navigation, Interface Design), resulting in a context that facilitates an effective connection. Using examples from the web, film, music, literature, photography, art, architecture and advertising, students will learn to: evaluate and identify critical elements; assess possible forms and structures; optimize every element within the chosen context; and deliver an experience that is powerful, memorable, compelling and coherent. Concepts covered are applicable to all creative professionals. Projects: This online art and design course revolves around personal projects as well as readings, critiques and discussion. Prerequisite: Ability to upload digital project files for review. Students are free to work in the medium and format of their choice, including non-digital media, as long as the projects can be digitally photographed, scanned, or otherwise converted to digital files to upload for peer and instructor review. 1. Introduction 2. Information, Communication and Experience 3. Representation, Metaphor, Abstraction 4. Interface and Interaction 5. Structure/Architecture 6. Designing Experiences 7. Context and Culture 8. Spacial and Quantitative Presentation/Representation 9. Time-based Presentation/Representation 10. Art Direction, Design and Development 11. The Psychology of Communication 12. Final Projects
Copyright © 2012, The Montibon Company, LLC / Roy Montibon. All rights reserved. |